Katalog Buku berdasarkan Topik
Buku - buku di RECS memiliki topik yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan
Klasifikasi Dewey.
Berikut ini adalah daftar topik yang dapat saudara telusuri dan mungkin ingin memperdalam.
- 100. Philosophy, parapsychology & occultism, psychology
- 101. Theory of philosophy
- 102. Miscellany of philosophy
- 109. History & collected biography
- 111. Ontology
- 113. Cosmology (Philosophy of nature)
- 121. Epistemology (Theory of knowledge)
- 128. Humankind I
- 140. Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints
- 142. Critical philosophy
- 146. Naturalism & related systems & doctrines
- 149. Other philosophical systems & doctrines
- 150. Psychology
- 155. Differential & developmental psychology
- 158. Applied psychology
- 160. Philosophical logic
- 170. Ethics (Moral philosophy)
- 171. Ethical systems
- 172. Political ethics
- 174. Occupational ethics
- 176. Ethics of sex & reproduction
- 177. Ethics of social relations
- 182. Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
- 189. Medieval Western philosophy
- 190. Modern Western & other noneastern philosophy
- 200. Religion
- 201. Religious mythology, general classes of religion, interreligious relations and attitudes, social theology
- 207. Missions and religious education
- 210. Philosophy & theory of religion
- 211. Concepts of God
- 212. Existence, ways of knowing God, attributes of God
- 213. Creation
- 215. Science & religion
- 216. Evil
- 218. Humankind II
- 220. Bible
- 221. Old Testament (Tanakh)
- 222. Historical books of Old Testament
- 223. Poetic books of Old Testament
- 224. Prophetic books of Old Testament
- 225. New Testament
- 226. Gospels & Acts
- 227. Epistles
- 228. Revelation (Apocalypse)
- 230. Christianity
- 231. God
- 232. Jesus Christ & his family
- 233. Humankind III
- 234. Salvation & grace
- 235. Spiritual beings
- 236. Eschatology
- 238. Creeds, confessions of faith, covenants, & catechisms
- 239. Apologetics & polemics
- 240. Christian moral and devotional theology
- 241. Christian ethics
- 242. Devotional literature
- 243. Evangelistic writings for individuals and families
- 245. Hymnology
- 246. Use of art in Christianity
- 248. Christian experience, practice, life
- 249. Christian observances in family life
- 250. Local Christian church and Christian religious orders
- 251. Preaching (Homiletics)
- 252. Texts of sermons
- 253. Pastoral office and work (Pastoral theology)
- 254. Parish administration
- 255. Religious congregations & orders
- 259. Pastoral care of families, of specific groups of people
- 260. Christian social and ecclesiastical theology
- 261. Social theology and interreligious relations and attitudes
- 262. Ecclesiology
- 263. Days, times, places of religious observance
- 264. Public worship
- 265. Sacraments, other rites & acts
- 266. Missions
- 267. Associations for religious work
- 268. Religious education
- 269. Spiritual renewal
- 270. History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity
- 271. Religious congregations and orders in church history
- 273. Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church history
- 274. Christianity in Europe
- 275. Christianity in Asia
- 277. Christianity in North America
- 280. Denominations and sects of Christian church
- 281. Early church & Eastern churches
- 284. Protestant denominations of Continental origin & related body
- 285. Presbyterian churches, Reformed churches centered in America, Congregational churches
- 287. Methodist churches; churches related to Methodism
- 291. Comparative religion
- 294. Religions of Indic origin
- 296. Judaism
- 297. Islam, Babism & Baha'i Faith
- 300. Social sciences
- 301. Sociology & anthropology
- 302. Social interaction
- 303. Social processes
- 305. Groups of people
- 306. Culture & institutions
- 320. Political science (Politics & government)
- 321. Systems of governments & states
- 322. Relation of state to organized groups & their members
- 323. Civil & political rights
- 332. Financial economics
- 345. Criminal law
- 371. Schools & their activities; special education
- 378. Higher education (Tertiary education)
- 401. Philosophy & theory; international languages
- 499. Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian languages, miscellaneous languages
- 575. Specific parts of & physiological systems in plants
- 576. Genetics and evolution
- 616. Diseases
- 636. Animal husbandry
- 646. Sewing, clothing, management of personal and family life
- 649. Child rearing; home care of people with disabilities & illnesses
- 700. The Arts
- 709. History, geographic treatment, biography
- 750. Painting & paintings
- 780. Music
- 781. General principles & musical forms
- 783. Music for single voices
- 801. Philosophy & theory
- 808. Rhetoric & collections of literary texts from more than two literatures
- 809. History, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures
- 811. American poetry in English
- 813. American fiction in English
- 823. English fiction
- 828. English miscellaneous writings
- 900. History, geography, & auxiliary disciplines
- 901. Philosophy & theory of history
- 909. World history
- 916. Geography of & travel in Africa
- 929. Genealogy, names, insignia
- 930. History of ancient world to ca. 499
- 941. British Isles
- 956. Middle East (Near East)